While being best for the world is part of DTE’s mission all year long, every August we lean in even more through volunteerism by giving back to the communities where we live and serve. During this year’s Month of Caring, team members partnered with their coworkers...
Delivering safe, reliable power to our customers is more than just a goal at DTE Energy, it’s a commitment: We’re dedicated to reducing outages by 30% and cutting outage times in half by 2029. To help us achieve this goal, we’re transitioning to a smart grid by...
When it comes to running a business, small changes can mean a big difference. That’s why energy efficiency matters to businesses like Lumen, a restaurant at Beacon Park in Detroit. For Lumen, the energy efficiency is baked into the business’s mission. For businesses...
DTE Energy is dedicated to constructing a smarter, stronger and more resilient grid to enhance reliability. Our commitment to customers is to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage durations in half by 2029. As a part of our plan to strengthen the grid,...
DTE Energy is taking to the skies to help improve the power grid. Over the next few months, we are launching drones in areas of southeast Michigan to inspect poles, wires and pole-top equipment more efficiently. These inspections, and the upgrading work that will...
When it comes to powering our world, few things contribute as much as pollinators do. Bees, birds, beetles and others help between 75% and 95% of all flowering plants on earth reproduce and their work makes one out of every three bites of food we take possible. ...