While being best for the world is part of DTE’s mission all year long, every August we lean in even more through volunteerism by giving back to the communities where we live and serve. During this year’s Month of Caring, team members partnered with their coworkers...
DTE Energy is dedicated to constructing a smarter, stronger and more resilient grid to enhance reliability. Our commitment to our customers is to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage durations in half by 2029. As part of this commitment, we are working to...
While plenty of people kicked off their summer with BBQs and time at the lake over Memorial Day weekend, team members at our Monroe Power Plant decided to do things a little differently. A total of 109 plant employees spent the Friday before the long weekend...
Being stewards of the environment and active in our communities is a big part of DTE’s mission to be best for the world. And when it’s Earth Month, we dive even deeper to find more ways DTE can care for the environment while building a cleaner future. Check out these...
Work is underway in Milan on Whitaker Street and Willow Road to trim trees as a part of our four-point plan. This plan focuses on trimming trees that could interfere with our power equipment and lines, updating existing infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions...
On a cold, clear Saturday morning in late January, the fish were jumping, deer were grazing and dozens of bald eagles soared overhead at DTE Energy’s Monroe Power Plant. On the shore was a handful people, watching as the birds flew, played and settled on the branches...