
Tree trim crews were working throughout Livingston County this week, including the city of Brighton. This specific job was on Old U.S. 23 off Larchmoor Dr. across the street from the Coffee Beanery. Our team carefully and safely removed overgrown branches from our mainlines. Those are vital to the circuit in the area feeding so many customers with energy. Tree trimming is the fastest and most cost-effective way to improve reliability and jobs like this are a part of DTE’s $90 million investment to accelerate tree trimming efforts across the communities it serves. 

If trees are creating a safety hazard near your home, please report it to DTE here. We prioritize safety concerns based on the severity of the hazard.

You may see more of our crews in the coming months as part of our accelerated electric reliability projects in your area, including more tree trimming and infrastructure updates. All these projects are underway to improve your service and reliability for the short and long term. 

Make sure to regularly check the Livingston County community page to learn more about what’s going on in your neighborhood. You can also follow DTE on Facebook and Twitter for even more updates and information.