Being stewards of the environment and active in our communities is a big part of DTE’s mission to be best for the world. And when it’s Earth Month, we dive even deeper to find more ways DTE can care for the environment while building a cleaner future. Check out these highlights of how our team members volunteered in communities across the state to celebrate Earth Month:

  • Monroe County Earth Day Expo – At this event, volunteers shared information about how to plant the right tree in the right place, handed out sunflower seeds for people to grow their own garden and helped children plant flower and vegetable seeds to take home and enjoy.  
    “It’s great to get out in the communities where we live and work and this is where I grew up,” said Brok Bagnall, a DTE volunteer at the event. “It’s great to put our values of protecting the environment into action where it matters most.”
  • Clean up at Oaks Park – This Pontiac park had volunteers from the community, including DTE team members, help out by removing trash, edging sidewalks, pulling weeds and handled other small beautification projects. These small jobs help maintain a clean and safe space for people to gather and enjoy the outdoors.
  • Brid Hills Nature Area Stewardship Event – At Ann Arbor’s largest park, volunteers pulled invasive weeds from this nature area that’s comprised of previously logged and farmed woodland. Work like this helps ensure that everyone can continue to enjoy the trails in this undeveloped natural area.  
  • Tree Planting at Patton Park – Alongside the NFL, Verizon and the Detroit Tree Equity Partnership, DTE volunteers helped plant 20 trees at Patton Park in Detroit on Earth Day. This park was selected as part of DTEP’s mission to plant 75,000 trees in areas of Detroit with low tree canopy, so everyone has the chance to benefit from tress, regardless of where they live.  

Caring for the environment and engaging with our communities is a core part of who DTE is, and the team is proud to have the chance to make the world better by serving with energy. 

“It feels great to work for DTE and see their partnership in the communities, especially environmentally,” said Kailyn Johnson, a DTE volunteer. “I think it makes a huge impact. It feels great to do something important and see that you’re making a difference.”