DTE is dedicated to brightening the lives of communities throughout Michigan – including during the holiday season. This year, DTE employees took their festive spirit on the road, transforming utility service trucks into displays of holiday cheer. Covered with...
‘Tis the season to care and give back, and DTE volunteers have been making the most of it around the state. From kicking things off with Trunk-or-Treats in October and pitching in at food pantries in November, to helping spread holiday cheer throughout December, the...
Two years may not seem like much but, for the Detroit Tree Equity Partnership (DTEP) it was enough time to make a big difference in Detroit neighborhoods. DTEP, which launched in October 2022, marked 25,000 trees planted in targeted areas of the city on Monday, Oct....
The DTE Energy Foundation, Gleaners Community Food Bank, Michigan Humane, among other partners, recently came together for a Community Resource Day at the Oakland County Farmers Market to support the residents of Oakland County. “Bringing community organizations and...
DTE Energy crews are in the final phases of rebuilding the overhead and underground infrastructure that powers both northwest and downtown Ann Arbor. This is an $18 million investment to rebuild eight miles of new power lines and electrical equipment, install new...
DTE’s 2023 CleanVision Sustainability Report is now available – DTE’s annual publication details the company’s progress towards generating cleaner, more reliable and affordable energy for the people and community it serves. DTE’s CleanVision report...