DTE Energy’s four-point plan is taking place across our service area.  As a part of this plan, we are investing billions of dollars in the communities we serve. This plan includes: 

  • Updating existing infrastructure. Modernizing and upgrading our existing infrastructure — like poles, crossarms and transformers — continues to make a significant impact on reliability. 
  • Rebuilding significant portions of our grid. Older areas of the grid account for one-third of our system. Rebuilding allows us to increase capacity for our customers and reliably handle additional demand from customers, including the increasing shift to electric vehicles.  
  • Accelerating our transition to a smart grid. Over the last several years, we’ve laid the groundwork for a transition to a smart grid. Smart grid technology will allow us to pinpoint damaged areas on the grid and isolate outages to restore many customers in minutes. 

In Northville, our crews have been implementing our four-point plan by upgrading existing infrastructure. Recently, crews installed new cables in a local business. During jobs such as this, crews deenergize the transformer that helps deliver power to the business and carefully pull electric cables through floors and walls. Once the new wires are installed, they test them to ensure power is running safely and reliably. Jjobs like this improve our existing infrastructure and allow us to safely handle the increased electricity demand for our customers.