
DTE Energy is dedicated to constructing a smarter, stronger and more resilient grid to enhance reliability. Our commitment to customers is to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage duration in half by 2029.  

Recently, your area of Macomb County has faced a series of ongoing power disruptions. The reliability on the circuits supplying energy to you and your neighbors in parts of Clinton Township has not reached the level you should expect from DTE.

In response to these issues, we began immediate steps to improve and enhance the reliability of your electric service. Our engineering and front-line team has thoroughly inspected your circuit and identified several corrective measures to increase reliability for you and your neighbors.

There are a number of locations in your immediate area where DTE equipment will be replaced or upgraded with new equipment, as needed. In 2023, DTE inspected and upgraded over 1,400 miles of pole top equipment across the communities we serve. These upgrades improve reliability, especially during extreme weather situations.    

Targeted tree trimming locations were also identified, and that work is now underway as well. This trimming is vital, as we know half the time our customers spend without power is due to trees coming in contact with our lines and equipment.

DTE is building the grid of the future. That plan includes transitioning to a smart grid, upgrading existing infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions of the grid and trimming trees. These are at the core of our plan as we work to increase reliability in Macomb County and for the many communities we serve.   

Interested in seeing the work being done in your community? Visit our power improvements map online.