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In early 2017, DTE Energy was one of the first utilities in the country to commit to an 80% carbon reduction goal. Since that announcement, we have accelerated our vision to include achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The company plans to substantially increase its renewable energy generation portfolio to help achieve this goal.  

Renewable Energy Portfolio  

Already the state’s largest renewable energy producer and investor, the company is bringing four new wind parks online in 2020; three will be the largest in Michigan when they achieve commercial operation. DTE’s investments in renewable generation are helping protect the environment while also contributing to the strength of Michigan’s economy. Since 2009, the company has driven investment of $3 billion in renewable energy infrastructure; a figure that will climb to more than $5 billion over the next two years. 

By 2030, we plan to triple our renewable energy generation capacity and then quadruple this part of our portfolio by the time we exit coal in 2040. While the majority of DTE’s renewable energy investments have been in wind up to this point, we anticipate increased investments in solar energy in the years ahead. By 2040, we project having more than 11 million solar panels in our portfolio.  

MIGreenPower Growth 

Knowing that many of our customers are concerned about the environment and want to do their part to combat climate change, DTE is expanding MIGreenPower, its voluntary renewable energy program. The program helps customers reduce their carbon footprint by participating in our company’s wind and solar projects. Participation accelerates the demand for clean energy in Michigan. There is no cap on enrollment, and DTE is committed to building or acquiring renewable energy assets to meet customer demand. 

In January 2019, our company expanded MIGreenPower to offer a tariff specifically designed for our company’s largest customers, and General Motors, Ford Motor Company and the University of Michigan all joined the program to contract a total of more than 1 gigawatt of clean energy last year. In addition, residential and small business participation in MIGreenPower doubled in 2019 – offsetting 20,292 metrics tons of CO2e in 2019. MIGreenPower is now one of the largest voluntary clean energy programs in the country. 

Over the next five years, we will introduce additional MIGreenPower products to meet the diverse sustainability goals of more than 100,000 customers. By 2025, our company anticipates subscribing more than 300 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of clean energy among our residential and small business customers, and more than 2,000 GWh among our industrial customers, with the projected environmental impact equal to offsetting nearly 1.5 million metric tons of CO2e.  

As an advocate for increased clean energy development and access, DTE is also exploring opportunities to partner with communities interested in more local renewable energy solutions. 

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