In late October of 1973, Michigan entrepreneurs Charlie Kodis and Gene Roberts launched Kendall Electric, an electrical products distributor operating out of a single location in Battle Creek, Michigan. Their vision was to become a knowledgeable resource that delivers outstanding customer service. 

Since then, Kendall Electric has grown considerably, staying true to their vision and acquiring the J.O. Galloup Company. Today, the Kendall Group now based in Portage, Michigan, serves more than 70 locations and has distribution centers in four states.

DTE is an important part of their story. Kendall is 100 percent employee owned has been a DTE supplier for more than three decades. They provide parts and components for DTE’s natural gas and electric distribution systems.

Kendall is just one of over 1,000 DTE suppliers based in Michigan. DTE spent $3.3 billion with local businesses in 2024, creating and sustaining nearly 14,000 jobs across the state. The company has invested more than $24 billion with Michigan-based suppliers since 2010, creating or sustaining 92,000 Michigan jobs.

According to Galloup General Manager Tim Hoezee, the partnership with DTE has helped the company grow. 

“We’re proud to play a small part in helping DTE distribute energy to the people of Michigan,” he said.