DTE team members will be in your neighborhood providing assistance for vulnerable residents.  

Where: New Grace Missionary Baptist Church, 25 Ford St., Highland Park, MI 48203 

When: Wednesday, April 2, 2025 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. 

With an approved State Emergency Relief (SER), residents can receive copay assistance, Low-Income Self-Sufficiency Plan (LSP) enrollment (LSP), LSP payment assistance, and one-time payment assistance towards your utility bill. 

To qualify for most financial assistance, you must be at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines 

To receive assistance, please bring the following items: 

  • Driver’s license, state ID or passport 
  • Social Security cards for all household members 
  • Copy of last 60 days proof of income for all household members. This includes Social Security income, unemployment, cash assistance, Family Independence Program (FIP), adoption subsidy/direct care, worker’s compensation, alimony, self-employment, 30 days required for child support. 

The Secretary of State’s Mobile Office and Forgotten Harvest will also be on site to offer assistance.