When it comes to your energy bill, you may think you’re only paying for the energy you use each month, but your dollars actually go far beyond that. Regulated energy companies work with the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC), an independent state government agency, to set prices based on the cost of fuel, anticipated demand, the need to update the energy grid and other factors, so you can be sure your dollars are put to good use. But how do your dollars extend beyond the energy you use each month? 

Infrastructure Upgrades 

DTE Energy is continually upgrading its gas and electric lines to deliver safe, reliable and affordable power to you. Michigan is a big state geographically speaking, and our state’s infrastructure is similarly immense. The infrastructure is also aging and needs to be updated like our bridges and roads over the years, and DTE invests millions of dollars each year to upgrade infrastructure. 

Clean Energy Investments 

DTE Electric and DTE Gas have committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050, which is bringing fundamental changes to the way DTE obtains and generates energy for customers. As older coal plants retire, DTE is replacing their generation with solar, wind and efficient natural gas generation to bring cleaner electric service to customers. DTE Gas will reduce emissions from supplier to customer through new operational improvements and by incorporating advanced technologies into our supply system. 

Additionally, both programs invite customers to participate in voluntary clean energy programs. MIGreenPower is a clean energy program where enrolled customers attribute their monthly electric use to DTE’s wind and solar parks in Michigan, and CleanVision Natural Gas Balance includes both carbon offsets and renewable natural gas. Customers can enroll at specific participation percentages for both programs depending on their monthly budget.

Energy Efficiency Programs and Rebates 

DTE offers several programs to help reduce customers’ monthly energy use, and ultimately their bill. Customers can receive personalized ways to reduce their energy by completing a quick surveylearn tips to reduce their energy room-by-room with the Interactive Home tool or by purchasing energy efficient products from the DTE Marketplace.  

Important programs and rebates to consider include: 



Additionally, if you want to change your gas or electric rate, DTE provides flexible and dynamic rates for residential and business customers. Find out how you can save more while always receiving safe, reliable and affordable service.