Hey, Michiganders! From backyard barbeques to water sports, everyone knows summertime is a fun time. But as temperatures rise, so does our need to keep our homes cool and comfortable. 

Here are 10 easy ways to beat the heat while maximizing energy savings: 

  1. Install a programmable thermostat and save up to $180 annually. Programmable thermostats offer several benefits including cost savings, convenience, and comfort. You can program your thermostat according to your family’s summer schedule, so you don’t have to worry about manually adjusting it throughout the day. Some smart thermostats even allow you to control temperatures from your phone. DTE recommends summer settings around 78 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and a degree or two higher at night while you sleep or are away.  You may also qualify for a smart thermostat rebate!
  2. Seal those sneaky air leaks and insulate where needed for up to $200 in annual savings. You don’t want the hot outdoor air seeping into your home, nor do you want the cooled-down indoor air escaping to the outside. You can seal air leaks with inexpensive weather-stripping on doors and caulking around windows. We also offer rebates on ENERGY STAR® certified windows and insulation. 
  3. Tune up your air-conditioner for a $75 rebate. Contact an HVAC professional to get your air conditioner cleaned and perform other maintenance work, so it runs efficiently all season long. An efficiently running AC will save you money and reduce your energy use while ensuring you aren’t left with a poorly working AC on the hottest of days. Electric customers could also qualify for a $75 rebate. 
  4. It’s all in the lights. Did you know that LEDs produce light up to 90% more efficiently than traditional, incandescent light bulbs?  By switching to ENERGY STAR® certified lighting, bulbs stay cool to the touch and conduct less heat which saves energy and can even help save on cooling costs. Installing outdoor LEDs with sensors can also help you save this summer by having lights only turn on once it’s dark out.  In addition, sensors can increase safety and security for your home.  You can shop for LED bulbs and more on our DTE Marketplace. 
  5. Upgrade your pool pump for a $100 rebate. There are many options when it comes to your pool pump, but an ENERGY STAR® certified variable speed pool pump is an effective way to keep your pool running efficiently all summer long. You can even qualify for a $100 rebate when you upgrade to a qualifying model. 
  6. Is it time to change your filter? A dirty HVAC filter can lead to an inefficient running system and pump dirty air throughout your home. It’s recommended you change your filters at the start of the summer and at least every 3 months to keep your system optimally running.  
  7. Give your kitchen a break. Using your oven during the summer generates heat that can cause your AC to work overtime. Try grilling outside instead. Outdoor barbecues can be memorable and delicious! 
  8. Made in the shade! On sunny days, close blinds and shades on the south and west-facing windows to block out heat and stay comfortable. You can also plant trees to provide additional, natural shade for your home. 
  9. Don’t underestimate ceiling fans. Run your ceiling fan to create a cool breeze. If you raise your thermostat by only two degrees and use your ceiling fan, you can lower your air conditioning costs by up to 14%. Remember, ceiling fans cool you, not the room. So, turn it off when you leave the room. Need a new fan? ENERGY STAR® certified ceiling fans with lights are 60% more efficient than standard fans with lights. 
  10. Visit our Interactive Home. For room-by-room tips, rebates, and efficient products that will keep your home cool and efficient all summer long, check out our 3D DTE Interactive Home to start exploring more ways to save today. 

We’re full of great energy-saving ideas not only for summer but all year long. For more ways to save visit dteenergy.com/saveenergy. 

We hope you and your loved ones have a fun and memorable, Michigan summer!