
DTE Energy is working to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage durations in half by 2029. We’re committed to improving reliability by building the grid of the future. This includes transitioning to a smart grid, upgrading existing infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions of the grid, and trimming trees. 

A prime example of our smart grid initiative is evident at the intersection of Henry Ruff Road and Glenwood Street in Inkster. Here, our teams have recently installed a new recloser. This addition significantly enhances safety and reliability for residential consumers, with potential reliability gains of up to 50%. 

These reclosers play a crucial role in reducing widespread outages caused by localized equipment damage. Their rapid identification of outage locations enables swift power restoration for many customers, while our crews make necessary repairs. 

Looking forward to the end of 2028, we plan to fully automate our grid by installing about 10,000 reclosers across the communities we serve. This comprehensive approach will help us deliver safer, more reliable power to our customers, especially during extreme weather. 

To stay informed about ongoing projects, explore DTE Energy’s electric reliability improvements mapor visit empoweringmichigan.com/reliability-improvements.