
DTE continues to invest billions to upgrade the electric grid and transform the way it generates electricity. The company is searching for new Michigan-based and diverse suppliers to help get this work done.

The DTE Supply Chain team recently partnered with Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s Pure Michigan Business Connect (PMBC) to host one of the largest new supplier engagement events in years. More than 300 local businesspeople showcased their products and services. These are the first steps in developing new relationships with DTE.   

“We’re committed to prioritizing partnerships with in-state suppliers to give local and diverse businesses new opportunities to succeed,” said DTE Corporate Services Vice President Jas Singh. “I’m looking forward to partnering with these businesses to serve our customers and grow Michigan’s economy.”

The half-day event kicked off with a networking session where attendees visited tables staffed by buyers representing different areas of DTE. Presentations on our DTE’s local spending commitment, grid resiliency and CleanVision plans followed. Afterward, the networking continued and select participants attended one-on-one sessions where they pitched their capabilities. 

Tiffany Klingensmith, president of Wixom-based Unconventional Solutions, Inc. (USI), is an existing DTE supplier that attended the event because she is looking to do more business with the company. USI is a family-owned company that provides and inspects protective coatings on DTE’s pipelines. The 15-person company continues to grow because of this partnership. 

“These events are important learning opportunities for us and for DTE,” she said. “I get the chance to network with the Supply Chain team and learn about upcoming bid opportunities. We also talk about recent developments and new products in my industry that might be useful at DTE.”

Some of DTE’s largest suppliers supported the event by staffing walk-up networking tables to create Tier II opportunities with other local businesses. Those suppliers include Barton Malow, Williams Electric, Motor City Electric, Corby Energy Services, J Ranck Electric, Roncelli Inc., Metro Engineering Solutions, Blue Ridge Power and Burns & McDonnell.

“Sometimes, it’s a better fit for a business to work with one of our suppliers, rather than directly with us,” Singh said. “Events like this provide an avenue for Michigan businesses to connect with each other.”

Last year, DTE spent $2.7 billion with Michigan suppliers and created thousands of jobs. The company has prioritized partnerships with in-state businesses since it became a founding member of PMBC in 2010.

“Nothing pleases me more than creating jobs locally for our communities and customers,” Singh said. “My team continues to work every day to make sure we competitively source and get the best value for customers in our home state while creating jobs locally for our communities and customers.”