
We’re implementing a four-point plan throughout the communities we serve to help keep the lights on reliability for our customers. This plan includes, trimming trees, upgrading existing infrastructure, rebuilding older sections of the grid and accelerating our transition to a smart grid. 

In Port Huron, we’ve been working to rebuild 20 miles of overhead and underground electrical equipment that delivers power to the city. The rebuild incudes installing new wires, cables, conduit and transformers, plus stronger utility poles and attached equipment, which are better able to withstand extreme weather events. We’re also trimming trees growing close to power lines to improve reliability by reducing the chance of branches and limbs falling into the lines and damaging power equipment. 

All this work is key to improving electric reliability for customers in the area. The work also will increase safety and the grid’s capacity. Greater capacity means we can deliver reliable power to more residents and businesses and can better support clean energy solutions like electric vehicles.  


Over the past few months, we have rebuilt half a mile of overhead electrical infrastructure. Crews have been installing new overhead wires and utility poles. These poles are stronger and can better withstand extreme weather like wind and storms. We’re also using more durable, fiberglass crossarms (the equipment on poles that hold wires in place), compared to the old wooden crossarms. 

Upcoming work 

We are continuing to rebuild the overhead electrical equipment. Crews are also beginning to install new conduit, which will protect underground cables, in northern Port Huron. Once this conduit is in place, crews will return to install new cables. This work will continue through 2026.  

Learn more about what to expect when DTE is rebuilding your neighborhood’s electrical system. To read about additional reliability improvement work happening in your neighborhood, visit empoweringmichigan.com/reliability-improvements.