Your own senses can help you detect a gas leak and save your life!  

DTE Energy helped investigate 55,417 gas leaks in 2024. Be mindful when you’re in your home or business. If you hear, smell, or see the following you might have a gas leak in the area:  

  • Gas leaks often make a blowing or hissing sound when escaping from a pipe.  
  • Can you smell rotten eggs? That might not be the old eggs you left in your fridge – it could be a gas leak near you. DTE adds a harmless substance to natural gas so it stinks and can help you detect a gas leak much earlier. 
  • Spring is awakening!  Watch out for dead or discolored vegetation in green areas when you’re in your garden or backyard. This can be caused by natural gas escaping from a pipe. 
  • Other indicators include unusually dry or hardened soil, a patch of frozen ground in the summer, or melted snow in the winter.  

Utilize these three senses to detect if a gas leak is around you. If you hear, smell, or see the signs of a natural gas leak: 

  • Leave the area immediately.  
  • Call 911 when you arrive at a safe location. 
  • Call the DTE Gas Leak Hotline at 800.947.5000 to report the gas leak. 

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