
Visit our largest wind and solar parks now!

The 27-minute virtual field trip takes students to Michigan’s largest wind and solar parks to help students learn about how these clean energy technologies work and the important role they play in helping reduce carbon emissions.

With more than 100 Michigan schools starting classes online this year, DTE has created a virtual field trip to help students learn more about the urgent need to address climate change and the role renewable energy plays in reducing carbon emissions. The 27-minute video takes students to Michigan’s largest wind and solar parks to help them learn about how these clean energy technologies are built and how they generate energy as well as the many career opportunities available in the Energy industry.

While geared to 6th – 9th graders, the virtual field trip contains stunning visuals and animated graphics that can help everyone learn more about how clean energy is produced and how it travels to homes, schools and businesses. DTE has also created an educators’ guide for teachers that contains additional activities and topics for discussion and research to enhance and extend the educational value of the field trip.

“Increasing the amount of energy we generate from renewable resources is one of the most important things we can do to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change,” said Trevor Lauer, president of the electric company at DTE Energy. “DTE is Michigan’s largest producer of renewable energy, with plans to triple the generation from wind and solar by 2030. We created this field trip to help young people learn more about clean energy and to challenge them to think about actions they can take now – and in the future – to save energy and help protect the environment. It would be an added bonus if the field trip inspired some to pursue a career in Energy.”

DTE believes that addressing climate change is one of the defining public policy issues of our time. Wind and solar energy are non-polluting; increasing the amount of energy we generate from these renewable resources reduces our impact on the environment. And DTE is on track to substantially increase the amount of renewable energy in its generation mix over the next three years. By 2022, DTE will increase its generation capacity from renewable energy to nearly 2,600 megawatts, enough clean energy to power 900,000 homes.

Click here to view DTE’s Renewable Energy Virtual Field Trip.

Teachers can access the educators’ guide here.