DTE Energy is busy building the grid of the future. By transitioning to a smart grid, updating existing infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions of the grid and trimming trees, we are supporting the growth in Oakland County for generations to come. 

DTE crews were recently hard at work in Royal Oak, trimming a tree that had grown too close to power lines that run between Millard and Whitcomb Avenues and intersecting with North Campbell Road. 

The sprawling limbs posed a risk to electric reliability. With precision and care, the crew pruned the tree’s limbs helping to ensure reliability without sacrificing the tree’s beauty. 

Customers should not always have to compromise between reliable service and attractive landscapes. By planting the right tree in the right place, we can achieve both goals. 

Our Right Tree, Right Place video and guide empower homeowners to make informed choices. They can also explore Trees Suitable for Planting list tailored for Southeast Michigan for consideration when landscaping. 

Find out more about our work in Royal Oak and the surrounding areas by exploring our electric reliability map and visiting Empowering Michigan’s reliability improvements webpage to stay informed about ongoing DTE reliability projects.