The DTE Energy Foundation today announced it has awarded grants to Michigan-based organizations focused on arts and culture and enriching diverse communities across the state. Grant recipients include the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit...
“Challenge Detroit is an intentional experience. In two months, I have already engaged with the Detroit community in meaningful ways, heard from brilliant community leaders, and been challenged to think critically and more expansively than ever before,” said Mariam...
For Natalie King the journey toward executive leadership began with the search for a new stream of income. At the time, she was a corporate lawyer looking to build a foundation for entrepreneurship. “I had just taken on a solar distribution firm as a new client and so...
The DTE Energy Foundation believes in energizing and uplifting our communities – including investing in Detroit’s youth – and remains committed to a diverse, inclusive and equitable environment. Within the vibrant city of Detroit, there are multiple programs...