
DTE Energy’s political contributions are targeted to maintain a responsible regulatory environment and a path to a clean energy future. Our giving is also bipartisan, recognizing our democratic ideals. 

We will remain focused on candidates who set high standards for their personal conduct, and who support the wellbeing of our customers, our employees, our shareholders, and the communities we serve. 

Why is DTE involved in politics? 

As a provider of essential energy services to the public, DTE operates in a highly regulated environment at the state and federal levels. We support candidates who will ensure energy policies meet the needs of our region and our customers. 

As an energy company, we are affected each day by the decisions of federal, state, and local officials. This requires DTE Energy to be an active participant in the political process.  

DTE has a strong, bi-partisan track record of engaging in the political process.  Throughout each year, the company evaluates the various requests made and seeks to support political leaders and organizations that engage in constructive policy discussions and public conversations.  

Under our corporate policy OP-10 and to ensure transparency, DTE takes proactive steps to disclose political activities:  

  • The DTE Energy Political Action Committee is a voluntary, non-partisan committee of DTE employees, overseen by a steering committee of employees elected by current PAC members. DTE PAC budgets and contributions are managed by DTE Corporate & Government Affairs, approved by the employee steering committee, and annually reviewed by the DTE Board of Directors Public Policy & Responsibility Committee. All PAC contributions are available for review by employees eligible to join the PAC on the DTE PAC website. The PAC files all disclosure reports for its federal and state-level accounts following the Federal Election Campaign Act, the Michigan Campaign Finance Act, and other applicable state laws.  
  • DTE annually discloses dues and other expenses to trade associations and chambers of commerce via our website.  These organizations fall under the 501(c)(6) section of the US tax code, allowing them to lobby and make political contributions. We disclose on our website the percentage of dues and contributions that can be used for political purposes. 
  • OP-10 requires review of contributions to 501(c)(4) and 527 entities by the Public Policy and Responsibility Committee of the DTE Energy Board of Directors annually. These entities may be non-for-profit social welfare organizations and political party committees. 
  • DTE includes political participation expenses in annual reports filed by both DTE Electric and DTE Gas to the Michigan Public Service Commission. These expenses can include lobbying, corporate political contributions, and memberships.  
  • Costs associated with operating the Political Action Committee, as well as other political expenses are charged to DTE’s shareholders and are not recovered in customer rates or bills.  

To access additional information on DTE:  

Corporate policy on Political Participation  

DTE Federal PACMI State PAC, and NY State PAC  

Chambers and Trade Associations