
DTE Energy is dedicated to constructing a smarter, stronger and more resilient grid to enhance reliability. Our commitment to customers is to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage durations in half by 2029.   

As our work continues to build a stronger grid, our crews have been working in Pontiac to help achieve this goal. At the corner of Golf Drive and Fairfax Road, crews were providing upgrades to both the underground and overhead equipment. A new pole, along with the pole top equipment has been installed here. The recently upgraded underground cable has also been routed to this pole to support this brand-new pole, meaning, the two working in tandem will help provide better reliability for the increased demand in the area. This new equipment will also perform better during extreme weather situations.  

These infrastructure upgrades are essential to our mission of reducing outages. Updating equipment is a key aspect of our strategy to create a more resilient and dependable grid. DTE is dedicated to these efforts, not only to enhance reliability but also to meet the increasing demand for electricity in the coming years. 

Upgrading work is part of DTE’s plan to build the grid of the future. That plan, now well underway, includes transitioning to a smart grid, upgrading existing infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions of the grid and trimming trees.    

To stay informed about ongoing projects you can explore DTE Energy’s Power Improvements Map or visit empoweringmichigan.com