
Our four-point plan to build a more reliable grid is underway. With this plan, we are increasing our tree trimming efforts, updating our existing infrastructure, rebuilding the oldest sections of our grid, and investing in smart technology. Each step of this plan is pivotal to providing safe and reliable energy that meets our customers’ demands. In Westland, crews have been working to restore some of the older sections of our grid and replacing essential pole-top equipment such as crossarms.  

On a pole crossarms are responsible for supporting components like insulators and conductors on the pole and making sure they have the proper spacing. Extreme weather can weather cross arms over time and requires line workers to proactively replace them to prevent potential outages. Crews worked to deenergize the area that the cross arm affected replaced them with sturdier cross arms that will help better serve the community for years to come.


You may see more of our crews in the coming months as part of our accelerated electric reliability projects in your area, including more tree trimming, maintenance, and infrastructure updates. All these projects are underway to improve your service and reliability in the short and long term.  

Make sure to regularly check out the Wayne County community page to learn more about what is going on in your neighborhood. You can also follow DTE on Facebook and Twitter for even more updates and information.