DTE Energy is dedicated to constructing a smarter, stronger and more resilient grid to enhance reliability. Our commitment to customers is to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage durations in half by 2029.
DTE has made it a priority to continue upgrading our infrastructure. Our front-line crews have been inspecting our current infrastructure to determine where these upgrades need to happen next. In 2023, DTE inspected and upgraded over 1,700 miles (about half the width of the United States) of pole top equipment across the communities we serve. These upgrades improve reliability, especially during extreme weather situations.
In Detroit, at Fort Street and Woodmere Street, our crews were busy recently upgrading two power poles. First, they carefully placed two new, stronger poles and then equipped them with new pole top equipment. More durable cross-arms, insulators, and these poles even received new transformers. Electric use is growing in this area and the goal is to ensure that these poles will better withstand extreme weather events and the increased demand in the area. With 60 poles already replaced in this neighborhood, our crews have only a few more weeks before completing these needed upgrades
DTE is building the grid of the future. That plan includes transitioning to a smart grid, upgrading existing infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions of the grid and trimming trees. These are at the core of our plan as we work to increase reliability in Detroit and for the many communities we serve.
To stay informed about ongoing projects you can explore DTE Energy’s electric reliability improvements map or visit Empowering Michigan’s reliability improvements webpage.