We are building the grid of the future to improve electric reliability and reduce outages for our customers. A key part of our plan is the acceleration to smart grid technology, which can detect when and where an outage occurs on our grid.  

Recently, crews were in Eastpointe to install a smart grid device, called a recloser, on the overhead lines. Reclosers are devices that can restore power after an interruption of electricity in a power line occurs like a tree branch falling on the line. 

 When an interruption occurs, the recloser cuts off the electrical power to prevent damage to the system and lessen the chances of a fire. Deenergizing the line also helps keep customers safe if a wire is downed. 

 After 60-90 seconds, the recloser automatically tries to reenergize the line. If unsuccessful, crews are dispatched to inspect the fault further and restore power.  

When installing this equipment, crews must first clear the area of any trees or branches that could interfere with the recloser. Then, if needed, a reinforced pole is placed that will support the recloser and other pole-top equipment. Crews assemble the components of the recloser at the job site and hang it before it is activated.  

Installing this equipment is a part of our four-point plan to improve reliability across our grid along with trimming trees, upgrading existing infrastructure, rebuilding older sections of our grid, and accelerating our transition to a smart grid. You can read about how we are taking steps to improve the energy of our customers by checking our Macomb Community page. And our electric reliability improvements map