
DTE Energy is dedicated to constructing a smarter, stronger and more resilient grid to enhance reliability. Our commitment to customers is to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage durations in half by 2029.

As part of this commitment, DTE has been busy working on a major project in Ann Arbor, rebuilding the grid in portions of downtown, Kerrytown and areas in the northwest side of the city.

This project is a more than $20 million investment to rebuild around 14 miles of new overhead and underground wires and electrical equipment, install new utility poles, trim trees and install smart technology into the system.

When completed later this year, customers served by the upgraded equipment and substation will experience an expected 90% improvement in reliability.

Additionally, the work will improve safety and the grid’s capacity. The added capacity will help support growth and expand electric energy options like electric vehicles and appliances, driving toward the city’s A2Zero goals.  

On busy Ann Street, near the city municipal complex, our underground team seen here has been working to move some power lines from one circuit to another, improving reliability after the switch while also increasing grid capacity in the city core for growing electric needs well into the future.

The process is a long one – sometimes requiring new manholes and other infrastructure – but the results mean more reliable electricity, especially when extreme weather hits.

This work is all part of DTE’s commitment to building the grid of the future. That plan includes transitioning to a smart grid, upgrading existing infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions of the grid and trimming trees. These are at the core of our plan as we work to increase reliability for our Ann Arbor customers and across the many communities we serve. 

To stay informed about ongoing projects you can explore DTE Energy’s electric reliability improvements map or visit Empowering Michigan’s reliability improvements webpage.