
A higher-than-normal bill can come as a shock and may leave you wondering why your heating or cooling costs are up. The way to avoid a surprise when you open your bill is to understand what can drive up the amount you pay for service.

  1. Weather

A big influence on the amount of energy you use to heat or cool your business is the weather outside. When it’s cold, your furnace may run more often and for longer, which increases the amount of energy you use. The same goes for keeping your business cool in the summer – your A/C unit may run more often and for longer to keep you comfortable.

You can help reduce the weather’s impact on your bill by sealing air leaks that allow air into your business. Use caulk or weather stripping to seal leaks around windows and doors and consider installing more energy-efficient windows and doors when remodeling.

  1. Longer bill cycles

Your bill covers a month’s worth of energy usage, but because of several factors, the exact number of days on your bill can vary from month to month. As a result, you may sometimes receive a bill that covers as many as 35 days of service, making your total larger even if your usage patterns didn’t change.

If you’re concerned about variability in your bill, DTE Energy offers a number of programs that may be able to help manage your monthly charges.

  1. Business changes  

Did you have more people at your workplace in the last month? Typically, the more people you have inside your place of work the more energy you will use. Additionally, less sunlight and more time indoors due to the cold weather in the winter could mean increased lighting and appliance use, so make sure to turn off unused appliances or unplug them from outlets.

It’s also important to make sure rugs and furniture are not blocking vents at your business – this could be preventing proper circulation from your furnace or A/C unit.

  1. Increased usage

The main reason your bill may increase is, of course, simply because of using more energy. Consider: Did you raise your thermostat setting? Were you at work more often? These are just a few of the potential reasons you may have used more energy, and increased usage will increase your bill.

To keep a handle on your usage, install a programmable thermostat and set it at 68 degrees Fahrenheit to stay warm in the winter and 78 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer to save energy. You can also the temperature at night when everyone has gone home for the day.

In the winter, stay comfortable around your business by putting on a layer like a sweater or blanket to stay warm without touching the thermostat. With proper use throughout the year, programmable thermostats can save you about $180 annually in energy costs.

For more tips on how to manage your monthly bill, visit dteenergy.com/pricing.