For the second time in the past two years, DTE employees’ love of wildlife has earned national recognition – the Wildlife Habitat Council’s 2020 Employee Engagement Award. 

The Employee Engagement Award recognizes a company’s involvement in conservation through the sheer force of its employee teams who participate in its habitat and conservation education activities.

DTE employees logged more than 8,000 hours over the past few years on projects designed to increase biodiversity including creating pollinator gardens, maintaining acres of threatened American lotus plants, establishing migratory bird habitats and restoring lands to their native state.

“The tireless work of our employees is helping DTE become a nationally renowned environmental leader,” said Kristen LeForce, DTE’s wildlife habitat program coordinator. “Their passion for our planet is evident by the countless hours they selflessly volunteer to better the environment.”

This is the second award DTE earned from the WHC, in 2018 DTE was awarded WHC’s highest honor – the Corporate Conservation Leadership Award for its comprehensive conservation efforts.

DTE’s Traverse City Service Center was a runner up for the WHC’s 2020 Pollinator Project Award.

Award finalists and winners were chosen from Conservation Certification applications submitted from July 16, 2019 – Dec. 31, 2019 that were granted certification. Information on award criteria can be found here.