DTE Energy is dedicated to constructing a smarter, stronger and more resilient grid to enhance reliability. Our commitment to customers is to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage durations in half by 2029.
As part of this plan, our crews are at work in Detroit, ensuring that our customers experience fewer and shorter power outages. Recently, crews were near the intersection of W. Jefferson Avenue and 15th to completely upgrade the poles and pole top equipment near the Ambassador Bridge.
DTE is investing $150 million to rebuild the infrastructure that delivers power to homes and businesses in Corktown and here, as well, in the West Riverfront area of the city.
The project, which began in fall 2022 and is expected to be completed in 2027, involves upgrading more than 30 miles of poles, power lines, transformers and electrical equipment. It also includes trimming trees along power lines and installing smart grid technology.
The specific work in this locale, which has been going on for several weeks, first requires crews to install new poles with pole top equipment directly next to the existing poles. This project required the installation of nearly 40 new poles. Hot arms are carefully installed on the current crossarms so that the existing overhead wires can be moved out of the way for crews to complete the job. Then, the crew pulls new overhead wires through the new poles. This is done with wire carts on both ends of the length of poles. Once the new overhead wires are pulled through, crews go up in the overhead buckets to clip in the new wires to insulators. Then the new wires can be energized before the old wires are deenergized and removed. Crews finish up by removing the old poles. The whole job can be completed without customers in the area losing power.
This type of work helps strengthen the grid in Detroit and provides better reliability, especially in extreme weather situations. By fully replacing this older equipment, we will be better suited to meeting the growing demand for electricity and current customers will be less likely to have service interruptions. DTE will continue these efforts as we make our grid stronger across the many communities we serve.
This major upgrading and conversion investment is part of DTE’s plan to build the grid of the future. That plan, now well underway, includes transitioning to a smart grid, upgrading existing infrastructure, rebuilding significant portions of the grid and trimming trees.
To stay informed about ongoing projects you can explore DTE Energy’s Power Improvements Map or visit www.empoweringmichigan.com