August 11 (8/11) is officially 811 Day! This day, and every day, residents should remember to call MISS DIG at 811 before considering digging in their yards.


Because digging without knowing the location of underground energy lines can result in serious injuries, service disruptions, and costly repairs when gas, electric, communications, water, and sewer lines are damaged. Hitting an underground line can result in a gas leak or knock out other services to your home or business and result in fines, damage and serious injury.

In fact, digging damage is on the rise, and every six minutes, an underground utility line is damaged nationwide because someone decided to dig without first calling MISS DIG at 811.

Digging damages happen every day throughout the state, and not at the hands of backhoes and other large machines. The majority of homeowner damages are caused by hand tools like shovels.

What kinds of projects?

Installing a fence installing a fence, mailbox or pool, planting a tree, building a deck and laying a patio are just a few examples of digging projects that require you to call 811.

Here’s what you need to do

If you plan to dig in your yard:

  • Contact MISS DIG at 811 or at least 3 business days before digging
  • Wait until flags have been placed to mark your utility lines
  • Expose utility lines by hand-digging
  • Leave flags in place until underground work is complete

MISS DIG 811 is a Michigan nonprofit Corporation that operates as the Underground Utility Safety Notification System for the entire state. And, calling 811 at least three business days before digging isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the law.

So, call 811 the next time you plan to dig in your yard and learn more at