
As Downtown Clawson continues to grow and thrive, DTE Energy is dedicated to matching that energy with more reliable power for residents and businesses. Over the last few months, we invested approximately $3.7 million into upgrading and replacing electrical infrastructure in the area to create a stronger, modern grid system.

“With people continuing to lean into a technology-driven lifestyle and move toward cleaner energy solutions like electric vehicles, the demand for dependable power is at an all-time high.” John Maurer, Distribution Operations project manager, said. “Not only will our work in Clawson improve reliability, but it also will increase safety and prepare the electrical grid to support the growing energy needs of people in the community.”

The work — which began summer 2022 and was completed December 2022  — included the following:

  • Completely removing and replacing the overhead distribution system that delivers power to your home or business. This process increases the grid’s capacity, allowing us to power more homes and businesses in the area.
  • Upgrading more than 15,000 feet of overhead lines and equipment to increase electrical capacity, make the infrastructure more resilient and prevent outages.
  • Replacing utility poles with stronger wood poles to withstand severe weather.
  • Trimming or removing trees that may interfere with the power lines that deliver energy to homes and businesses.

“This work is important because it will ensure Downtown Clawson residents and businesses have the safe, reliable and affordable energy they need, when they need it,” Maurer said.

DTE truck parked at construction site in Downtown Clawson. DTE truck on the street next to new utility pole.