With cold weather just around the corner, DTE Energy wants to help you manage your business’s energy bill, and to keep you, your employees and customers safe.

Here are 5 ways to reduce the amount of energy you use during the cold weather months, which in turn can reduce your energy bill.

1. Install a programmable thermostat that can automatically lower the temperature another degree or two during off-business hours.

2. Change or clean furnace filters every month during peak heating season. Dirty filters increase energy usage and cost, overwork your heating equipment and result in lower indoor air quality.

3. Make sure desks, printers and office furniture are not blocking air flow to registers or baseboard heaters. As much as 25 percent more energy is required to distribute air if your vents are blocked.

4. Install a carbon monoxide alarm to ensure your business is using natural gas properly, especially in the fall and winter when your heating equipment is operating.

5. Work with your building manager to ensure fall leaves and winter snow and ice don’t build up around your natural gas meter. Leaves, snow and ice can interfere with its operation, resulting in damage and potentially causing a safety hazard.

For more ways to manage your energy use visit: DTEEnergy.com/heatingseason