
Overhead crews operated on a circuit along Haggerty Road. A circuit is the start and end of power feed from the substation. Depending on the size, a circuit can feed 200 to 400 customers. Since Haggerty Road is a main street, traffic control was brought in to block off part of the road. There was too much power going to one circuit that could not handle the amount it was receiving. The team used special devices called ‘reclosers’ to test the circuit and determine it could be set back to normal so that power could be split between two circuits instead of one, thus resolving the original issue. This fix will help ensure the power grid in this area can operate more reliably for local residents and businesses for years to come.  

You may see more of our crews in the coming months as part of our accelerated electric reliability projects in your area, including more tree trimming and infrastructure updates. All these projects are underway to improve your service and reliability for the short- and long term. 

Make sure to regularly check the Farmington Hills community page to learn more about what’s going on in your neighborhood. You can also follow DTE on Facebook and Twitter for even more updates and information.