DTE Energy is dedicated to constructing a smarter, stronger and more resilient grid to enhance electric reliability. Our commitment to customers is to reduce power outages by 30% and to cut outage duration time in half by 2029   

To reach that commitment, DTE is investing $9 billion over the next five years to modernize the grid across the communities we serve, improving both reliability and safety. As part of this substantial investment, we are busy with fully rebuilding some older portions of our grid. 

With grid rebuilding, we construct new substations and replace all of the infrastructure that delivers power to homes and businesses with new, upgraded equipment. This includes the most modern poles, power lines and transformers.  

This new infrastructure is designed to better withstand extreme weather, reducing the risk of outages. in addition, upgraded equipment adds capacity to support increasing energy demand and more electric energy options, like electric vehicles. 

When rebuilding work is completed for an area, reliability improves by 90% for customers in the first year.

We are rebuilding infrastructure in areas across our service territory, from Detroit and Ann Arbor to Pontiac and Richmond. Beyond rebuilding infrastructure where needed, we’re also taking other steps to increase reliability. We’re transitioning to smart grid over the next five years, updating and modernizing our infrastructure and trimming the trees around our equipment.  

For more information on reliability improvements in your neighborhood, visit the DTE Energy Power Improvements Map.